Contemporary Spiritual Arts Ministries
Ministering to Children in the Republic of the Philippines
If I can clearly remember, it was between 2008 and 2009 when I first met Rev. Roy and since then, he had greatly supported my family in Biliran, Leyte. He served as the foundation of our family. He was there for my mother, he gave us a home, sent me and my siblings to school. My elder sister was able to finish her college degree in Hospitality, Tourism, and Management at Holy Angel University, the most prestigious university in Angeles City, Pampanga. He has always been a father to us and I will forever cherish the bond and memories we have. He has continued to support me financially and emotionally as I pursued my college. And now, I'm one semester away from getting my Bachelors' Degree in Communication. I can say, with Rev. Roy's help, the 14 years of my life have never been more secure. I have always looked up to him because I admire his passion for helping other people which is why I dedicate my hard work and success to him. I couldn't find the right words that can help me describe how grateful I am for having someone that genuinely cares and would always want to see me win. Thank you so much, Dad! I truly love you.
Your loving daughter,
Felicity Trapal - February 28, 2022
Ministering to Ministers
A Global Community living in Peace, Harmony and Mutual Respect.
Why endeavor to keep our spiritual leaders professionally, spiritually, and emotionally healthy? Because Ministers help create Healthy Individuals. Healthy individuals help create Healthy Families that help create Healthy Neighborhoods that help create Healthy Towns, Cities, and States. Healthy States help create Healthy Countries which creates a Healthy World. A Healthy World becomes A Global Community, living in Peace and Harmony.
"Your ministry allowed me to begin another process. The retreat was right on time! Your generosity in providing travel and lodgings made the decision to attend an easy one. Thank you!
The beauty, comfort and opulent setting of your newest condo were like resting in the arms of Sweet Spirit. The morning sessions set the perfect tone for each day. The intimacy of the small group allowed a true connection to take place. Thus came the sharing from the heart; the vulnerability and subsequent healings in a very safe environment.
The location...c'mon now - Playa Del Carmen is Paradise! What more could one ask for? Perfect weather in the 80's; the beautiful Caribbean Sea; fabulous food, shopping, spas - all just steps from the condo.
All this and much more! What a living affirmation that Life is Good and Very, Very Good! We've all heard "hindsight is 20/20." I realize more clearly than ever how important this kind of Spiritual Holiday is in the life of a Minister, your ministry is making it possible. Your nurturing, loving, humor-filled nature is so supportive (I love how we laughed).
Again, thanks for everything my dear brother Roy. Enclosed is a tithe. May your ministry continue to expand and expand as you continue to be a beneficial presence in the world."
- Rev. M.L.
"This retreat setting is inspirational, soothing to the spirit, and relaxing to mind and body. Rev. Roy Fisher has woven the beautiful elements of nature in Mexico, with his gracious, personalized hospitality and sensitive facilitation and organization, to create a magnificent tapestry. It will wrap you in its renewal potential. Twice I have personally experienced The Power of Now Retreat and can highly recommend it. Each time I came away with an expanded sense of unlimited possibilities, and a fresh perspective on life."
- Rev. Dr. Clancy Blakemore
- Rev. Annie Clark
Radiant Community Church of Religious Science, Fairview Heights, Illinois
"Spending time with the Indwelling Presence, away from the telephone, televidsion and meetings, was one of the glorious waysI spent time while on retreat with Rev. Roy. I returned to my ministry in Southern Illinois refreshed and revitalized.
Starting each day in a small intimate group, with meditation and inspirational readind set such a tone that every subsequent activity unfolded beautifully. It mattered not whether I spent the remainder of the day sitting on a huge rock gazing out at the crystal clear blue of the Caribbean Sea, or walking through the bustling marketplace, or observing the ruins of the ancient Maya culture. Each adventure was an avenue through which the Infinite Spirit continously revealed more of Its beauty to me.
Stepping out in faith I do not swim. Snorkelling in Cenotes (underground rivers) was a way for me to live the faith in Spirit of which I often speak. As I moved through trhe quiet waters I truly sensed the oneness of life - calmness began to pervade my entir being. Fear of the unknown subsided and subsequently dissolved as I took in the awesome beauty around me. I then knew, without a doubt, that where I am, God is fully present. And where God is, all is well! Thannk you Rev. Roy for making this retreat possible to me through your wonderful ministry."
Ministering to Inmates and Ex-Offenders
Excepts from a letter from Mark C., received one year after his release from prison. Mark served over 22 years for commission of a murder as a very young man:
"Each day as I pray, I ask my Higher Power to direct me, guide me, protect me and support me throughout the day ahead of me. I know Rev. Roy to be a human being that's been brought into my life to help perform these things I ask of my God. Roy shares his knowledge, wisdom, and experience with me as we interact in true friendship. I don't always hear what I want to hear, and I may get upset over situations (his non-pity me ways of helping me to see the whole picture as it may exist from various different views) but I know deep down inside, within my heart and conscience, that any decisions and actions are mine to make and to be held responsible for and Roy is offering me a clearer view which may help me better my life as I move forward through the ups and downs of everyday struggles.
I am fortunate Roy has become a part of my life and its my belief that people in general can benefit from a friend such as Roy in theirs. Roy has been very sympathetic towards me and regardless of my words, actions and thoughts, he has opened his heart, his life and his home to me, as an example of unconditional love for another human being.
At one time I was a client in a long-term Treatment program which lasted for a one-year term. This was comprised of six months of intense supervision and treatment and another six months of after-care. During this experience I hit high's and low's of extremes which tested my stick-to-it-ness and determination to create change in my life. Rev. Roy was the anchor which kept me secured and on tract to endure, to move onward and keep my eye on the prize, which he knew of and I later found to be, love, peace and serenity. I never experienced this life before, but through the support of Roy, I found the courage and determination to achieve and succeed. I continue to want and need my friend Roy in my life today and I know to share Roy with others is allowing a Higher Power to work through all. Roy loves people and shows it in all he says and does. I'm very grateful to of received his love."
- Mark C.
- Carl A.
President (March 31, 2003 by Mark C.'s Employer)
Excerpts from a letter from the employer of Mark C. six months following Marks release from prison:
"After meeting and interviewing Mark, I decided to give him a chance as a shop employee. He had some experience in the furniture manufacturing facility in prison and to be honest Roy, I trusted your judgment. I also liked the idea that you would stay involved with him and had arranged for other people to help Mark succeed in his transition.
Mark has done very well working at my company. He was initially hired at $9.00/hour and received a $1/hour raise at 90 days because of the progress he made. Now, Mark is about to get another $1/hour raise because of taking on additional responsibilities. He is very dependable, good natured and conscientious. I hope Mark continues to help grow my company.
As I have talked with Mark and watched him, it has become apparent that the support he has received since leaving prison is largely the reason for his success. He has faced many of the normal issues of life which his background complicates. With the help from you and the support team, the issues have been quickly resolved. As am employer I have been very impressed.
In my 20 plus years of hiring and managing people, I have never hired an ex-convict. I still would not hire one, unless they were a part of your program. This appears to be a very logical way to help ex-convicts stay ex-convicts. Thank you! Feel free to have anyone you want call and talk to me about Mark."
Special Interest Note: Four months after this letter was written, Mr. C.A. gave Mark another merit raise ( a third raise in one year) based on Mark's outstanding work performance.
- Herb, C.
Excerpts from a letter from Inmate Herb C. who, in 1979, was sentenced to seven years for non-violent crimes (burglary and forgery). He remains in prison for crimes he was convicted of while serving his sentence. Rev. Roy believes in his innocence.
"I've been incarcerated since 1979. My original charges were for non-violent offenses, burglary and forgery. I was guilty of these crimes; and subsequently, was sentenced to the Missouri Department of Corrections for a term of seven years. Due to circumstances beyond my control, I am still doing time.
I'm not what I'd call a spiritual or religious person; never have been. I do however, believe in a Higher Power, a Supreme Being; and that there is a purpose -- a reason for me being here. What that purpose and reason is, I don't know and I may never know. My destiny may already have fulfilled itself, and this may be all there is. My reason for being may become clear to me at some point in the future --and again, it may have presented itself when Roy Fisher shook my hand and called me friend.
I first heard Roy's name in 1997, when he became spiritually acquainted with my cell-partner, Jon. Because I don't receive many visits of my own, I was also permitted to go on this visit. I was hesitant at first; I did not know this person except for what Jon had told me about him. Jon had said that Roy was in training to become a minister. I've always steered clear of ministers; and I wondered if this one would preach to me during the visit. At Jon's suggestion, I decided to give this man the benefit of a doubt and see for myself what he was like. I am very glad I did.
During the visit, there was no fire and brimstone talk. Instead, Roy wanted to know about me and what my beliefs are. I told him how I think and feel about the Creator, life and other things. I suppose I was expecting this man to criticize, or to otherwise question my beliefs; to my surprise, though, he did just the opposite. Roy talked about himself; not only of his religious beliefs, but everyday kinds of things that friends share with each other. As the visit progressed, I became relaxed and started enjoying myself. For a little while, I could almost forget that I was in prison.
Before it was time for Roy to leave, Jon asked him if he would pray with us. Instead of this making me nervous (as I would have expected), the three of us holding hands around the table, this felt entirely right and proper. As the visit concluded and we were standing to leave, Roy told me that he sees so much good in me -- something I've not heard in a very long time.
Since the visit, Roy and I have kept in touch with each other. Roy is definitely not what I thought of as a typical preacher. Not once has he judged me for my past behavior; nor has he tried to force his own beliefs on me. Instead, this bearded and burly man has shown me nothing but acceptance and love. He's encouraged me, and helped me, to believe that there really is a reason for me to be living at this time.
Roy Fisher has opened my eyes to a better way of seeing myself -- and the world. Thank you Roy. H.A.S. (November 6. 2003)".
- Jon S.
Jon S. has been incarcerated since 1982 after being convicted of murder during an attempted burglary. Following are excerpts of a letter recently received from Jon.
"In the summer of 1997, I wrote the Center for Spiritual Living in St. Louis, asking to correspond with someone at church. Shortly thereafter, Roy Fisher, a businessman and Religious Science Practitioner, responded, saying that he would be happy to hear from me. For some time, I'd been fortunate to receive reading material from Science of Mind, Unity and other New Thought sources. While I'd absorbed a lot of information, I had many questions about how to apply these principles, particularly in prison. I was also looking for a positive person with whom I could relate as a friend.
It has been said that when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. During the past four and a half years, Rev. Roy Fisher has become a friend and teacher in the finest sense of the word. One of the first things I noticed about Roy early in our relationship was his honesty. Not only did Roy confront, challenge and question my obvious -- and not so obvious -- lapses of moral and spiritual integrity, this man was equally forthright about his own struggles, past and present. He related to me as a real person who confronts and overcomes challenges, be they health concerns, addictive behaviors, spiritual issues, interpersonal relations -- in short, everything that comes up in the course of living. Roy has no problem identifying flaws in my thinking and character, and somehow he does this with an attitude of love and humility that makes it easier for me to drop my pretenses and be real.
Roy and I talk often on the phone. He's visited several times, and he appeared as advocate at my April 2003 parole hearing. When the results of the hearing were not what we'd hoped for, Roy patiently sat with me and helped me regroup. Roy's recommendations were less about externals, such as what I might do to impress the parole board more favorably next time; instead, he urged me to put my focus on what's most important -- my relationship with my Self; to become more centered in the present and the opportunities for love and service that the now affords. I can't say that I'm always on track with this; I still get discouraged and negative. Yet, now I have a friend and advisor to reach out to when I think I'm losing touch. What a blessing!
Sometimes I am amazed at how the experience and possibilities for good are expanding for me and others in my life. Thanks to Roy's counsel and his example of applied spirituality, I've become more grounded in my own spiritual practice. Because of this person's love, I am more in touch with the love that is Jon. Thank you, Roy, for being such a special part of my life!"
- H.C
Rev. Roy asked this former inmate to describe how he and Roy met and what the relationship was like for this individual while he was incarcerated.
"I went to prison with a 7-year sentence in 1988 for attempted robbery of a drug store. I had lost my business, my home, my wife, my children and I was filled with shame, guilt, remorse and a lot of pain. I lost hope and would pray every night that God would let me go to sleep and never wake up. Every night, I prayed the prayer as I did not want to live anymore. That was my headset.
Then, one day, (around 1990) a letter came from you Rev. Roy. You told me, don't quit. God loves you. You asked me to write you. You asked if I needed anything. Your letter was so sincere and your letter touched my heart. You were a light in the darkness. As your letters kept coming and they were so inspiring and positive, my life took on new hope and I wanted to live. I was lost and lonely, but God used you to bless me. You believed in me and continued to encourage me until I once again began to believe in myself. Roy, thank you for being there then and even today. Your work today is so important and God is using you to change lives and for that I am eternally grateful. P.S. I should write a song entitled Roy did not give up on me."
A short excerpt from another prisoner Rev. Roy works with:
"Grown men aren't suppose to cry here in prison - but after reading your letter, I had to wipe away the tears. All I can say is thank you. I can't even find the words to describe how I truly feel, except that I am overwhelmed with joy. Thank you for coming into my life and believing in me."
Ministering to 12 Step Program Participants
Hi Roy
I just wanted to thank you for your time and effort in putting on the 4th step workshop; and and for your guidance. It was a deeply moving experience for me that has helped me understand myself so much better than ever before. I hope to repeat the workshop within a year, or so, from now.
The difference between doing this step in a workshop, rather than alone, or with the guidance of my sponsor in the past, was huge. I got so much more out of the step because of (a) your experience in handling the subject and (b) from the collective experience and openness of the group to admit their character defects and resentments - which enabled me to more clearly see mine. The result of this workshop, for me, is that I can now see that all my resentments have been self-made - that there is a thread of personal behavior through all my past issues that indicate my part in each one and that, without my part, there wouldn't be an issue.
In considering the details of my past resentments, I can see how others have reacted to my behavior in a way that's produced a resentment from me. If I put myself in their shoes I can understand why they behaved the way they did towards me. In this way I have come to drop major resentments against three important characters in my past life: my daughter, my ex-wife and my ex-partner.
Thanks again, Roy, for your guidance.
Please share this testimonial with others:
Roy's workshop has changed me and my life. Roy presented it in such a way that there was a shift in my ability to see my part. It made me see that "my part" could be as little as accepting other people's idea of me, whether it was correct or not. The 4th step workshop taught me more than just about inventory taking, it introduced me to my higher power again, this time more fully. The workshop lead me to do a 5th step with my sponsor which started a whole new chapter in my life. I am more on my authentic path then ever before in my recovery. I can never express my gratitude to Roy and Dianne for bringing their FABULOUS workshop to an area of the recovery world that desperately needs it. I will love them always.
S.M.- 2005
Dear Rev. Roy,
We are very grateful for your facilitating of our Board Retreat. You were truly helpful. The philosophy and procedures of AA became more meaningful to all of us. Thank you especially for assisting people to find an alternative to their cravings, which they can keep mindful of through the techniques of Science of Mind. This information will have increased significance and usefulness for all of us in our daily lives and practices.
In Light and Love, Rev. Royal Satterlee May 26, 2005
Dear Rev. Roy
I just want to take this opportunity to thank you for everything you've done for me. To put it simply, you gave me hope when I had none. I am a drug addict, stuck in a foreign country with no money, no job and no means of support or way to get home and when we met I was ready to die. Through your counsel and your financial help, you have changed all of that and I've decided I'm ready to live again and face life on life's terms. Thank you for providing me with the bus fare and food necessary for me to get home and back on my feet and for giving me the hope I needed. I will always be grateful.
Greg F. - April 2005
Footnote by Rev. Roy: Regretfully, Greg only made it to Mexico City on his way back to the United States. He stopped there and got a hotel room, apparently tempted to do drugs one more time. He was found murdered in his hotel room. The police investigation remains open. During Greg's last weeks of life in Playa del Carmen Mexico, he inspired the local AA members with his experience, strength, and hope and as the community gave to Greg what it could, he gave back to them all that he had to give. Greg was a plumber and although without funds to live himself, he took a little of the money that came to him and bought a kitchen sink and installed it for a local woman who was also in need. Greg will be missed but never forgotten.
- Rev. Roy.
Ministering to Musicians and other Artists
Dear Rev. Roy
Now that I’ve had a few weeks to reflect back, I just wanted to thank you again for giving Jan and I the wonderful opportunity to kick back and relax for a few days. I think I must’ve slept most of the first two!
Hanging out with our fellow musicians was a treat....sharing stories and hearing how others do things. And yes....getting to bitch and moan a bit when we felt like it. Thanks for setting it all up.
And I really enjoyed meeting Tor and Maru and your other local friends. SacBe was a wonderful experience....loved swimming in the cenotes and the amphitheater is a gorgeous venue. I like the whole vibe out there.
Bless you for sharing your home and your life with us.
JD Martin
Dear Rev. Roy
Just a note to thank you for one of the most spirit filled weeks of my life. Getting together with the musicians and ministers of new thought uplifted my consciousness to a sublime level. I am still processing all the good energy. Your accommodations in Playa were so beautiful and comfortable and I loved the way we could walk to everything. I really got the rest and inspiration I needed to go forth and make a positive difference in the world.
I'm so glad I got to meet you. I admire the vision you are holding and support you are providing for the very deserving musicians of new thought. BRAVO to you. May the long time sun shine upon you, all love surround you and the pure light within continue to guide your way home.
Harmony Ananda
Dear Rev. Roy
Thank you sooooooo much for your open, loving heart, generosity and kindness to me, Harmony and the other musicians and attendees on the retreat. I just LOVED being in your company and was really impressed with the way you retained your equanimity when faced with challenges. BTW, did you ever find your yabas (keys)?
This idea of putting a bunch of Spiritual musicians together is GREAT, and I feel honored to be a part of it. The highlight for me was singing in the jungle and combining voices with the others. Also, I am willing to donate the usage of some of my music for a compilation CD to be used as a fundraiser for any of your projects. Just let me know what's happening with that.
Here are more of my personal highlights, in no particular order: Working out harmonies with JD and Jan - what a blend! Being in the company of Michael Gott (my fiancé') Maria at the Coffee Press, and feeling a sense of community at her yoga classes and café' Sunrises with Shelly Trudy's Divine massage, where I had a mystical experience Getting to know everyone better Tor and Maru's energies Singing and playing in Playa, especially in the outside courtyard on Thursday night. Feeling the Oneness You! I look forward to being in your presence again, whenever that will be. You are such a blessing to me.
Love and Infinite Light,
"Faerie" Elaine of the Silver Stream
Rev. ROY!
Wow, what a wonderful retreat. JD and I are just sorting through all our piles of "to-do" lists, and are still a little bit on Mexican I'm sorry it's taken me a few days to send you this rave review.
THANKS again for your kindness and generosity in having us come to Playa. We had an absolutely fabulous time, and feel deliciously refreshed and cared for. You were so dear to open up your house and your life to all us crazy musicians. It was a lovely coming together, for all of us.
We hope you are well and that all loose ends regarding cars, keys, etc. have come together easily for you. Again, it was a beautiful experience all the way around. Please give hugs to Tor, Maru, Ted, Trudy, etc. etc. for us. We hope to re-connect again sometime. In the meantime, I hope you're enjoying our new CD.
Lots of Love, Jan & JD
Dear Rev. Roy,
We made it home safe. I just had the BEST time EVER with Y'all and I so look forward to seeing you again very soon. It was a pleasure and delight to share the week with you and thank you all for supporting my family and letting us be there. I am grateful for your support and hope that you enjoy the music that moves through me. I am putting it out that I am giving you permission to use the song “Spirit in the House” from “Something’s Call Me” CD to use for a compilation CD to support your Ministries. Thank you so much for your hospitality in Mexico. I am grateful for your loving support of the musicians in our movement. Stay strong and deeply inspired.
Peace and blessings, Jami Lula & Family
Dearest Special Friend Rev. Roy,
We have thought of you every day since the respite you gave to us after taking on a church of our own. We love being minister and have been working diligently and spiritually with our congregants with much love and grace, but to have a moment – actually quite a few moments – to be peaceful and in-joy, without having an agenda, was just unbelievably precious. Thank you for the beautiful places you own, thank you for the wonderful meals we ate together and the laughter we had and the songs we sang and the company we kept, but mostly thank you for showing what a loving generous heart really is. That’s what happened – you gave an exemplary demonstration of what the word ‘good’ really means. We loved your friends and I don’t think I will ever forget the concert and getting to see where Torsten is starting out with his Recovery Center in the jungle. That place was soooo beautiful and wonderful, filled with great and powerful energy.
Love you lots, Suz and Shelley
Rev Roy:
From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for your generosity and embracing us in Mexico the way you did! You have NO IDEA how that trip filled me up in so many ways ---- that I desperately needed! Not to mention Jami and I, and Dylan, and the communion with fellow musicians! WOW!!